Xiaocong XU
Postdoctoral Research Associate
xuxiaoco (AT) marshall.usc.edu
Data Sciences and Operations Department
Marshall School of Business
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Welcome to my homepage! I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the
Marshall School of Business
at the
University of Southern California
, mentored by Prof.
Yingying Fan
and Prof.
Jinchi Lv
. I received my Ph.D. degree in 2024 from the
Department of Mathematics
at the
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
, where I was advised by Prof.
Zhigang Bao
. I was also fortunate to be supervised by Prof.
Qiyang Han
on specific projects. My research interests primarily revolve around random matrix theory and high-dimensional statistics.
Gradient descent inference in empirical risk minimization
(with Qiyang Han).
On the Precise Asymptotics and Refined Regret of the Variance-Aware UCB Algorithm
(with Yuxuan Han).
Phase transition for the bottom singular vector of rectangular random matrices
(with Zhigang Bao, Jaehun Lee).
A leave-one-out approach to approximate message passing
(with Zhigang Bao, Qiyang Han).
The distribution of Ridgeless least squares interpolators
(with Qiyang Han).
Phase transition for the smallest eigenvalue of covariance matrices
(with Zhigang Bao, Jaehun Lee).
Probability Theory and Related Fields (Accepted)
Extreme eigenvalues of Log-concave Ensemble
(with Zhigang Bao).
Ann. inst. Henri Poincare (B) Probab. Stat. (Accepted)
Spectral Statistics of Sample Block Correlation Matrices
(with Zhigang Bao, Jiang Hu, Xiaozhuo Zhang).
Annals of Statistics (Accepted)